
Monday 10 October 2016

Super Sorters

In Math, we have been working on learning how to sort sets of objects and describe how we sorted.  There are many ways that we can sort things, animals and people.  Often, we ask a survey question (e.g., do you like fall?) and sort ourselves based on our answers (e.g., 'yes', 'sort of' or 'no').

We use sorting everyday at school and home to help us get or stay organized.  For e.g., putting away laundry, putting away toys, filing papers, etc.  Here are a few photo examples of how some children have recently sorted sets of objects at school:

Sorting Beads by shape and colour by A.

Sorting coins by colour by B. and M.

Sorting shells by size by J.

Sorting planes by colour by B.

Home-School Connection:
You can encourage your child to sort at home, too.  E.g., Have your child help with sorting and matching socks on laundry day.  Encourage your child to describe how he/she sorted the socks.  E.g., 'I like the way you are sorting the clothes.  Why did you put all these socks together?'  
Sometimes we find that young children are able to complete a sorting task but may need some help to find the words to describe what they are doing.  If this is the case for your child, help them out by describing what you see him/her doing.  E.g., 'You're doing a great job of sorting the socks by colour.  You put all the black socks together and all the white socks together.'

Help your child notice and talk about the sorting he/she sees all around them.  A trip to the grocery store is a wonderful place to notice how items are sorted and organized.  As you have your child tidy-up, talk about the various ways he/she is sorting toys/books/art supplies.  E.g., find all your cars and put them in this bin.  I like the way you organized your crayons and markers.

Here is a link to a Youtube clip about sorting that you might enjoy watching with your child:  
Peep and the Big Wide World Season 2 Episode 17 - Peep and the Big Wide World "Chirp Sorts it Out"

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