
Sunday 30 October 2016

The Coming Week ...

Round the Bend Farm

We had a great time at Round the Bend Farm last Wednesday. It was a cool, crisp fall day, but all the children were dressed for the weather. Most of the class had a good time, according to our class survey, and hopefully our parent volunteers also enjoyed themselves.  A big thank you to the parent volunteers for helping us have a successful day!

The children helped the farmer pick some vegetables.  It was interesting to see what the vegetables look like when they are first picked compared to what they look like by the time we see them at grocery stores.  (In the photo, you can see how big a broccoli plant is before it is trimmed.)

At school this coming week, we'll be making soup with most of the vegetables.  (We'll use organic vegetable based boullion cubes for the soup stock.)  We are also going to taste kale 'chips', roasted beets and roasted pumpkin seeds.  It should be a yummy week ahead!

Hallowe'en Plans

As you are probably aware, we'll be attending the Fall Dance Monday morning.  The Fall Dance is organized by the Grade 8 classes as a fundraiser for their end-of-year graduation activities.  Each student is asked to donate $2 for the dance.  In addition, treats will be on sale at the dance:  sour keys and ring pops, $1 each, and cookies, $2 each. If your child is allowed to buy some treats at the dance, please send the money in a labelled envelope.

Students are allowed to wear their Hallowe'en costumes to/at school.  Please do not send any masks or weapons (e.g., swords, guns, etc.) to school.  It would be helpful to have your child wear his/her regular clothes under the costume so they can easily change later in the morning.  

Image result for cute halloween costumes clipart

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