
Monday 26 June 2017

Report Cards & a Request for Bags

It's hard for us to believe, but the school year is almost over!  The report cards will be sent home tomorrow, Tuesday, June 27th.  Please look for your child's report in his/her backpack tomorrow.  

Image result for plastic shopping bagsWe will be sending home a number of items over the next few days.  Would you please help us out by sending some plastic shopping bags to school?  We will keep any extra clothing and shoes at school until Thursday.

Saturday 24 June 2017

Inside Picnics are Fun, too!

Despite all the rain yesterday, we had a great time at our end of the year Kindergarten concert and picnic!  Thank you to all the parents and grandparents who were able to join us for our end-of-year celebration.  Under the guidance and leadership of Mrs. Gordon-Rak, all the Kindergarten classes did a great job at performing at the concert.  Bravo everyone!

We hope our guests also enjoyed themselves, and we would like to thank you for coming!

Image result for rhythm sticks clipartImage result for maracas clipart   Image result for rhythm bells clipart

Wednesday 21 June 2017

End of Year Kindergarten Picnic

As you may already know, we will be having our end-of-the-year Kindergarten picnic this coming Friday, June 23rd.  We will start in the gym for a Kindergarten concert.  Weather permitting, we will then go outside to enjoy a snack and some fun activities.  If it is raining or the field is very wet, we will stay inside for snack.

We hope you will be able to join us on Friday morning.  Please drop your child off as usual in the Kindergarten yard, and then proceed to the gym.  We will take attendance, and then organize ourselves for the concert.

Please bring a blanket or towel to sit on, and bring a snack for your child and yourself.  Younger siblings and other family members are welcome to join us.

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Bye, Bye Butterflies!

On Friday, June 9th and Monday, June 12th, we released our butterflies!  The weather was warm and sunny ... just the way butterflies like it.  We wore our life cycle crowns as we took the butterflies outside.  We opened the cages and sang 'Fly, Fly Butterfly' as the butterflies flew away.  Some of the butterflies quickly found some flowers, and we watched as they enjoyed drinking nectar from the flowers.
Here are some photos from Friday's release:

Trying to coax one of the butterflies to fly away.  It was enjoying the orange.

A butterfly enjoying the nectar of a dandelion
 Some of us tried following the butterflies as they flew away

One of the butterflies on the grass.  Sorry for the blurry photo.

We would like to thank the Nellie McClung School Council for funding the purchase of the caterpillars.  We appreciate all the support that we receive from the council.

Sunday 18 June 2017

Happy Father's Day!

To all Dads, Grandfathers and Uncles,

We hope you are having a great Father's Day with your loved ones!

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Wednesday 7 June 2017

Butterfly Update & Library News

Hopefully, the children have been sharing news about our butterflies.  There was lots of excitement in our room when we returned to school on Monday.  Here is the news from today:

Some of us were willing to put our hand in the butterfly cage and visit with a butterfly.  Butterflies can't hurt people.  They don't have any stingers.  Most of the children reported that the butterfly tickled a little bit.  The children were very respectful, and no one tried to touch the wings.  We have learned that butterflies have fragile, powdery wings.  If we touch them, we can easily damage the wings, and the butterfly may not be able to fly.  

Library News

Today was our last library day to sign out books for this school year.  If your child did not bring home a book today, it means that he/she already has a library book that has not been returned to school, yet.  Please return all library books by the next Day 1 of school (June 14th).