
Wednesday 21 June 2017

Bye, Bye Butterflies!

On Friday, June 9th and Monday, June 12th, we released our butterflies!  The weather was warm and sunny ... just the way butterflies like it.  We wore our life cycle crowns as we took the butterflies outside.  We opened the cages and sang 'Fly, Fly Butterfly' as the butterflies flew away.  Some of the butterflies quickly found some flowers, and we watched as they enjoyed drinking nectar from the flowers.
Here are some photos from Friday's release:

Trying to coax one of the butterflies to fly away.  It was enjoying the orange.

A butterfly enjoying the nectar of a dandelion
 Some of us tried following the butterflies as they flew away

One of the butterflies on the grass.  Sorry for the blurry photo.

We would like to thank the Nellie McClung School Council for funding the purchase of the caterpillars.  We appreciate all the support that we receive from the council.

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