
Wednesday 7 June 2017

Butterfly Update & Library News

Hopefully, the children have been sharing news about our butterflies.  There was lots of excitement in our room when we returned to school on Monday.  Here is the news from today:

Some of us were willing to put our hand in the butterfly cage and visit with a butterfly.  Butterflies can't hurt people.  They don't have any stingers.  Most of the children reported that the butterfly tickled a little bit.  The children were very respectful, and no one tried to touch the wings.  We have learned that butterflies have fragile, powdery wings.  If we touch them, we can easily damage the wings, and the butterfly may not be able to fly.  

Library News

Today was our last library day to sign out books for this school year.  If your child did not bring home a book today, it means that he/she already has a library book that has not been returned to school, yet.  Please return all library books by the next Day 1 of school (June 14th).

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