
Monday 4 November 2019

SK/Year 2 Student-Led Conferences and JK/Year 1 Observation Visits

As you may already know, progress reports for JK/Year 1 and SK/Year 2 Kindergarten students will be sent home on November 12th.

We will be having student-led conferences for the Senior Kindergarten/Year 2 students on Thursday, Nov. 14th and Friday, Nov.15th.  You can sign up for your preferred timeslot on Edsby. Our schedule on Thursday is from 3:45 to 7:00 pm and on Friday from 9:15 to 11:45 am.

For help signing up for Student-Led Conferences, please visit
(You can also contact us, and we can book a time for your conference.)

A student-led conference information page for parents will be sent home along with your child's report card.  Please look for it.

Parents of Junior Kindergarten/Year 1 students are invited into the classroom for an observation visit between November 18th and December 6th.  An invitation letter was sent home today with your child.  Please check his/her communication bag, and return your response by Friday, November 8th.  We will send you a confirmation note once our schedule has been finalized.

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