
Tuesday 12 November 2019

Snowy Weather

The snowy weather has arrived early this year, but luckily, we like to play in the snow. Please help us keep your child as warm and dry as possible. It would be helpful to have your child wear waterproof mittens. If his/her mittens are not waterproof, please send a second pair of mittens in case the first pair gets wet. It would also be helpful to send extra socks for your child. Please let your child know that he/she has extra mittens and/or socks in his/her backpack.

Please remember to label all removable clothing with your child's name. Young children often don't recognize their clothing.

Lastly, for parents of children who attend 'Fun on the Run' aftercare, it would be helpful if you would put a reusable shopping-type bag in his/her backpack in order to carry their belongings (e.g., jacket, snowpants, etc.) at the end of the day.

Here is a photo showing one of our student's belongings in her bag.

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