
Thursday 25 April 2013


We have free access to a wonderful site called BookFlix Literacy Resources. 

You can access this site from your home for free at:
BookFlix pairs classic fictional video storybooks from Weston Woods with nonfiction eBooks from Scholastic to reinforce reading skills and develop essential real-world knowledge and understanding.
For Grades PreK to 3.  

Here is the login information you will need:
  Sign On:     dsbyork

  Password:  dsby7692

Saturday 20 April 2013

Earth Day is Every Day!

Monday, April 22nd is Earth Day!  The Kindergarten classes at Nellie McClung P.S. will be marking the day by receiving caterpillars of Painted Lady Butterflies!  We will be caring for them and observing how they change into butterflies.  We know it will be a wonderful experience and a great learning opportunity.

A Painted Lady Butterfly

Community Safety Village Quiz

As you know, on Tuesday, April 16th, our class went to Community Safety Village at Bruce's Mill Conservation Centre.  Despite the rainy weather, we had a great day, and we learned a lot about keeping ourselves safe.  We have been reviewing the information at school, and the students have been writing about the trip as well.  Thank you to Safety Village for giving us so many souvenirs of our visit!
Lastly, but certainly not least, a big thank you to the parents who were able to join us on the trip!  Your help made our trip a success!

You may enjoy taking this quiz about what we learned at Safety Village with your child!  We would love to receive any feedback about the trip to help us with future planning.

True   or   False:
1.  Police Officers and Firefighters are community helpers.

2.  You can recognize a police officer because he/she wears a uniform and carries identification.

3.  You should call 911 if your pet is missing.

4.  You should call 911 if you see people breaking windows on purpose.

5.  You should call 911 if your mom or dad fell off a ladder and is badly hurt.

6.  You should call 911 if you can't find your favourite toy.

7.  If there is a fire in your home, you should hide under your bed.

8.  If there is a fire in your home, you should get down low and go.  Also, yell out, 'Fire! Fire!' for the rest of your family to hear.

9.  Mom or Dad should check to make sure the fire alarms are working in your home.

10.  Your family should have a meeting place outside your home in case there is ever a fire.

11.  It is a good idea for Kindergarten children to touch coffee pots, kettles, toasters and oven doors.

12.  If your clothes ever catch fire, you should 'Stop, drop and roll' in order to put the fire out.  Remember to cover your face as you roll around on the ground.

13.  You should always go swimming alone.

14.  You should always wear a life vest when you are near, on or in water.

How did you and your child do on the quiz?

Here is our answer key: 
1.  True (T)       2.  T      3.  False (F)      4.  T       5.  T        6.  F        7.  F      8.  T          9.  T        10.  T     11.   F     12.  T      13.  F    14.  T

If you have any questions/concerns, please feel free to contact us.

Community Safety Village will be having an open house for children and their families on May 11th!  Admission is a non-perishable food donation for the Food Bank. 


A Letter to Captain Gould...

As you know, Captain Gould visited our school recently to let us know what it's like to be an airplane pilot.  The Kindergarten classes were very interested in what Captain Gould had to tell us and show us.  We had lots of questions for him, too, and Captain Gould answered all of them! 

We learned lots of facts about being a pilot.  Here are just a few things we learned ... We found out that Captain Gould had to go to special pilot school to learn how to fly an airplane.  We also learned that all pilots have to carry their pilot licences with them.  Captain Gould flies an Airbus 320 for Air Canada, and that airplane can carry 200 passenges.  On the Airbus 320, the pilots use a joy stick to fly the plane, and there are lots of computers and instruments in the cockpit to help the pilots fly the plane.  

Our class wrote a thank you letter to Captain Gould:

Dear Captain Gould,
Thank you for visiting us.  We enjoyed learning about being a pilot.  We think being a pilot must be a fun job to do.  Thank you also for all the gifts!  We love the post cards and the pilot's wings stickers.  We also love the luggage tags.
We hope you like the pictures that we are sending you.


The Kindergarten Class in Room 110

Here are some photos from Captain Gould's visit:

All pilots must carry their pilot's licence when they fly.
Showing us some of his map books
A model of the Airbus 320, the airplane he flies for Air Canada
Pilots carry things they need in their black bags including flashlights to help them
 inspect their aircrafts before flying.

Pilots keep track of all their flights in a Pilot Log Book.
Showing us a map pilots use to plan their flights
Showing us what he packs in his luggage for his flights

Many pilots keep photos of loved ones inside their hats.
Captain Gould has a photo of a monkey that is an astronaut for Nasa!

Wednesday 10 April 2013

Hooray   for   PINK   Day!
We  are  happy  to  let  you  know  that  everyone  in  our  class  showed  their  support  for  PINK  Day  today  by  wearing  something  pink  or  red  to  school!  Way  to  go,  Room 110!   By  working  together,  we  can  put  an  end  to  bullying.

Tuesday 9 April 2013

For Parents of Junior Kindergarten Students

Eye See...Eye Learn 

York Region District School Board has partnered with Eye See...Eye Learn to encourage every Junior Kindergarten student to have a comprehensive eye exam with a participating Doctor of Optometry and if needed, will be provided with a free pair of eyeglasses when you present your child's health card.

We will send home the parent flyer in your child's communication bag today.  You can also access more information at .


Monday 8 April 2013

News & Information for the Coming Week...

Students may return their Borrow-a-Book Book Bags on Wednesday this week since we were late sending them home last week.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013 is Day of Pink at Nellie McClung P.S. and Beyond!

On April 10th, Nellie McClung P.S. will be participating in the Day of Pink which is the International Day against bullying and discrimination among schools and communities around the world.  Supporters wear pink to show respect for diversity and to demonstrate support for learning and working environments which are safe and inclusive of people from all different backgrounds.  

In our Kindergarten class, we will be focusing on the diversity found in families so that students understand:
1. A variety of family models exist (e.g., single-parent, blended families, opposite gender parents, same gender parents, adoptive parents, couples without children, etc.);  
2. All families are equally important; and
3. Encourage all children to be proud of their families.

Please have your child wear something pink to show his/her support.

Community Safety
Village Trip

We are happy to let you know that all the parents that offered to volunteer for our trip to the Community Safety Village on Tuesday, April 16th will be able to accompany us.  We will follow-up with those parents in the next day or two. 

Tuesday 2 April 2013

School Lunches ..
Sorry for the wrong information that was posted last week.  The Sub lunches did not start today.  If you ordered Sub Lunches for your child, he/she will start receiving them Tuesday, April 9th.   Here are the dates for the Sub Lunches:  April 9, 16, 23, 30;  May 7, 14, 21, 28;  and  June 4, 11, 18, 25.

Pizza Lunches  will start on Wednesday, April 3rd.   Here are the dates for the Pizza Lunches:  April 3, 10, 17, 24; May 1, 8, 15, 22, 29; and June 5, 12, 19.

Students will start receiving their cartons of milk on Wednesday, April 10th.  They will receive milk on Wednesdays and Thursdays until June 20th. 

Lunch Lady...please continue to place your order each month for Lunch Lady.  (Delivered Mondays and Fridays)

Beauty and the Beast

As you are aware, on March 19th, the Kindergarten classes at our school watched a performance of Beauty and the Beast at our school.  Here is an article written by some students about the play:
On  March  19th,  all  the   Kindergarten  classes  in  Nellie  McClung  Public  School  watched  the  show  of   Beauty  and  the  Beast.   Emma  got  picked  from  the  audience  to  be  in  the  show.   Emma  played  Belle.   There   were   4   other   actors   from   the   Dufflebag   Theatre   Group,  too.  The   play  was   very   funny   and   most   of   us   liked   it!

Here are some photos from the performance:

Special Visitor Coming Soon!

On Thursday, April 4th, Captain Andy Gould will be visiting our school to speak to our class about being a pilot for Air Canada.  Captain Gould is Nathan's uncle, and we are excited to have a chance to meet him and learn about being a pilot.
Mrs. Scott &  Mrs. Ferriera's class will also join us.  Both our classes have set up airport drama centres, and the children have been enjoying playing different roles:  check-in, security, flight attendant, pilot, co-pilot and passengers.  
We would love to have other special guests visit us as well.  If you work in the air travel/transportation sector, we would love to have you visit us, too.  Please contact us to set up a date and time.