
Monday 8 April 2013

News & Information for the Coming Week...

Students may return their Borrow-a-Book Book Bags on Wednesday this week since we were late sending them home last week.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013 is Day of Pink at Nellie McClung P.S. and Beyond!

On April 10th, Nellie McClung P.S. will be participating in the Day of Pink which is the International Day against bullying and discrimination among schools and communities around the world.  Supporters wear pink to show respect for diversity and to demonstrate support for learning and working environments which are safe and inclusive of people from all different backgrounds.  

In our Kindergarten class, we will be focusing on the diversity found in families so that students understand:
1. A variety of family models exist (e.g., single-parent, blended families, opposite gender parents, same gender parents, adoptive parents, couples without children, etc.);  
2. All families are equally important; and
3. Encourage all children to be proud of their families.

Please have your child wear something pink to show his/her support.

Community Safety
Village Trip

We are happy to let you know that all the parents that offered to volunteer for our trip to the Community Safety Village on Tuesday, April 16th will be able to accompany us.  We will follow-up with those parents in the next day or two. 

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