
Saturday 20 April 2013

A Letter to Captain Gould...

As you know, Captain Gould visited our school recently to let us know what it's like to be an airplane pilot.  The Kindergarten classes were very interested in what Captain Gould had to tell us and show us.  We had lots of questions for him, too, and Captain Gould answered all of them! 

We learned lots of facts about being a pilot.  Here are just a few things we learned ... We found out that Captain Gould had to go to special pilot school to learn how to fly an airplane.  We also learned that all pilots have to carry their pilot licences with them.  Captain Gould flies an Airbus 320 for Air Canada, and that airplane can carry 200 passenges.  On the Airbus 320, the pilots use a joy stick to fly the plane, and there are lots of computers and instruments in the cockpit to help the pilots fly the plane.  

Our class wrote a thank you letter to Captain Gould:

Dear Captain Gould,
Thank you for visiting us.  We enjoyed learning about being a pilot.  We think being a pilot must be a fun job to do.  Thank you also for all the gifts!  We love the post cards and the pilot's wings stickers.  We also love the luggage tags.
We hope you like the pictures that we are sending you.


The Kindergarten Class in Room 110

Here are some photos from Captain Gould's visit:

All pilots must carry their pilot's licence when they fly.
Showing us some of his map books
A model of the Airbus 320, the airplane he flies for Air Canada
Pilots carry things they need in their black bags including flashlights to help them
 inspect their aircrafts before flying.

Pilots keep track of all their flights in a Pilot Log Book.
Showing us a map pilots use to plan their flights
Showing us what he packs in his luggage for his flights

Many pilots keep photos of loved ones inside their hats.
Captain Gould has a photo of a monkey that is an astronaut for Nasa!

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