
Saturday 20 April 2013

Community Safety Village Quiz

As you know, on Tuesday, April 16th, our class went to Community Safety Village at Bruce's Mill Conservation Centre.  Despite the rainy weather, we had a great day, and we learned a lot about keeping ourselves safe.  We have been reviewing the information at school, and the students have been writing about the trip as well.  Thank you to Safety Village for giving us so many souvenirs of our visit!
Lastly, but certainly not least, a big thank you to the parents who were able to join us on the trip!  Your help made our trip a success!

You may enjoy taking this quiz about what we learned at Safety Village with your child!  We would love to receive any feedback about the trip to help us with future planning.

True   or   False:
1.  Police Officers and Firefighters are community helpers.

2.  You can recognize a police officer because he/she wears a uniform and carries identification.

3.  You should call 911 if your pet is missing.

4.  You should call 911 if you see people breaking windows on purpose.

5.  You should call 911 if your mom or dad fell off a ladder and is badly hurt.

6.  You should call 911 if you can't find your favourite toy.

7.  If there is a fire in your home, you should hide under your bed.

8.  If there is a fire in your home, you should get down low and go.  Also, yell out, 'Fire! Fire!' for the rest of your family to hear.

9.  Mom or Dad should check to make sure the fire alarms are working in your home.

10.  Your family should have a meeting place outside your home in case there is ever a fire.

11.  It is a good idea for Kindergarten children to touch coffee pots, kettles, toasters and oven doors.

12.  If your clothes ever catch fire, you should 'Stop, drop and roll' in order to put the fire out.  Remember to cover your face as you roll around on the ground.

13.  You should always go swimming alone.

14.  You should always wear a life vest when you are near, on or in water.

How did you and your child do on the quiz?

Here is our answer key: 
1.  True (T)       2.  T      3.  False (F)      4.  T       5.  T        6.  F        7.  F      8.  T          9.  T        10.  T     11.   F     12.  T      13.  F    14.  T

If you have any questions/concerns, please feel free to contact us.

Community Safety Village will be having an open house for children and their families on May 11th!  Admission is a non-perishable food donation for the Food Bank. 


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