
Sunday 19 April 2015

What's Been Happening in Math?

For the past few weeks, we have been focusing on number sense concepts in our math lessons and activities. More specifically, we have been learning about how a quantity can be composed in different ways.  For e.g., we can make the quantity of 5 in various ways:  1 and 4; 2 and 3; 0 and 5; 1 and 2 and 2; etc.

As the students explore and investigate numbers, we often record statements such as:  '3 and 2 makes 5 altogether' to show what they found.  We often also tell them that mathematicians like to record their ideas using less words so a mathematician would write 3+2=5 instead.  By doing so, we are trying to help the students develop an understanding of what the symbols, + =, mean. 

Home Activities 

You can help extend your child's learning at home by trying some of these activities:

  • Have your child notice numbers in the environment.  E.g., house numbers, phone numbers, license plates, calendars, prices, etc. Talk with your child about the numbers to help them deepen their understanding.  E.g.s,  this toy costs $2, and you have $5.  Do you have enough money?  We're looking for house number 36, and this is house number 22.  Do we have to keep walking?
  • Play board games that use dice.  Lots of good practice for recognizing quantities, adding and counting spaces.
  • Play card games together.
  • Make up simple action games together and keep score of how many times you are able to do something.  You may want to make up a simple recording page so your child gets practice printing numerals.  E.g., how many times can we throw and catch the ball without dropping it? 

We find that the best learning happens when children are having fun and interacting with an interested adult.  

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