
Saturday 18 April 2015

What's Been Happening in Room 110?

McMichael Art Gallery Inuit Print Making Workshop 

The month of April started with our art workshop. Bonnie came from the McMichael Art Gallery and taught us how to make Inuit style prints using etching foam and markers.

Here is an article that the Junior Kindergarten students in our class wrote about the workshop:

And here are the results of the workshop...

Well  done  everyone!

A special thank you to the parents and grandparent volunteers who were able to join us!  Your assistance was greatly appreciated!

Frieda Wishinsky Visit

This week, the Kindergarten classes had a special visit from author, Frieda Wishinsky.  Ms. Wishinsky has written many books including one of our class favourites, You're Mean, Lily Jean

Ms. Wishinsky shared with us where she gets her ideas for her stories, and she read two of her books to us:
The Opposite of Up and Oonga Boonga.

While Ms. Wishinsky read her book, Oonga Boonga,
Ms. Guerriero helped out by acting like the baby who wouldn't stop crying in the story.

A big thank you to Mrs. Gordan-Rak for arranging Ms. Wishinsky's visit to our school!

Me to We Campaign - Update

We have great news:   our school reached its goal to raise enough money to buy 18 goats for families in need overseas!
Well done, Nellie McClung students!!  Your contributions will make a difference in the lives of children across the world.

Earth Day is Every Day:  20 Minute Makeover

Yesterday, our school held a 20 minute makeover to mark Earth Day that is coming up on April 22nd.
Councillors Racco and Ferri visited our school and kicked off our event.  We all put on plastic gloves and went outside to help clean up our school grounds and neighbourhood.  The Kindergarten students were in charge of cleaning up the Kindergarten fenced yard, and they did a great job!  There was not a speck of litter left on the ground by the time we were done.

We have also been learning about how to care for our environment in class.  One thing we can all do is take care of the plants in our environment.  This past week, we planted flower seeds and learned a little about the difference between soil and dirt.  We will be learning more about soils, seeds and plants in the coming weeks.

Did you know that 2015 has been declared International Year of Soils by the UN?  Here is a short video clip about the importance of soils that may be of interest to you:

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