
Monday 6 April 2015

What's Been Happening in Room 110?

During Eco Week, the Kindergarten classes heard a presentation by Liz, an environmental instructor.  The Senior Kindergarten students worked together with the teacher in small groups to write the article that follows.                                               

Liz's  Eco  Presentation - March 24, 2015

Written  By  the  Senior  Kindergarten  Students in Room 110

Today Liz came to our school.  She told us about how to keep the environment clean.  We learned about the 4 Rs:  Reduce, Reuse, Recycle and Respect.  We need to respect the world.  We want to reduce, reuse and recycle so we make less garbage.

Image result for recycle     Image result for green bin                 

Lots of plastic garbage goes into the oceans.  The animals and fish eat the garbage and get sick. We can take care of the world by using less plastic.  Do not use plastic water bottles.  Use reusable water bottles.  When we go shopping, we can use reusable bags instead of plastic shopping bags.

We  can  take  care  of  the  world!

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