
Wednesday 25 December 2019

Happy Kwanzaa

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To our families who will be celebrating Kwanzaa over the coming week, we send you wishes for a joyful time of celebration!

Tuesday 24 December 2019

Merry Christmas

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To the families celebrating Christmas, we wish you all the best for a very Merry Christmas!  

Sunday 22 December 2019

Happy Hanukkah!

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To all families celebrating Hanukkah, we send you wishes for a Happy Hanukkah!

Saturday 14 December 2019

Cooking Potato Latkes in Room 110

We'll be cooking potato latkes in our classroom on Monday, December 16th.  Two parent volunteers are coming to our classroom to help us prepare, and later enjoy, latkes.

Here is the ingredient list for the recipe:

  • potatoes
  • onion
  • eggs
  • salt/pepper
  • corn starch
  • flour
If you have any questions/concerns, please let us know.

Enjoy the rest of this snowy weekend!

Wednesday 27 November 2019

Found in Room 110

We found the pictured travel mug in our room this week, and we don't know who it belongs to.  We think a parent may have left it while visiting.

If this 'Contigo' travel mug belongs to you, please let us know, and we will make sure to send it home with your child.

Report Card Envelopes

Image result for large brown envelope clip art"

Thank you to all the families who have already returned their report card envelopes to school.  We reuse the envelopes throughout the year.  If you have not returned the envelope yet, please send it to school as soon as you can. 

Wednesday 20 November 2019

Photo Retake Day

Image result for school picture day"

As you may already know, Friday, November 22nd is photo retake day at Nellie McClung P.S.  If you would like to have your child retake his/her photo, please let us know by sending a note to school with your child.

                If you have any questions, please let us know.

Friday 15 November 2019

Kindergarten Bakers

We had a yummy day yesterday in Room 110.  We made pumpkin spice cakes in the morning, and we enjoyed tasting them in the afternoon.  We all worked together to make the cakes, and it was very clear that we have some excellent bakers in our class.  The cakes were very tasty, and everyone enjoyed them.  Well done everyone!

Many children worked on writing their own copy of the recipe, and we promised that we would post the recipe here as well.
Here is the recipe:

Pumpkin  Spice  Cake

  •     1  cup  pumpkin  puree
  •     1  cup  sugar
  •     1/3  cup  vegetable  oil
  •     2  eggs
  •    1  teaspoon  cinnamon
  •     ½  teaspoon  ground  nutmeg
  •     ¼  teaspoon  ground  cloves
  •     ¼  teaspoon  allspice
  •     ¼  teaspoon  kosher  salt
  •      1 ½  cups  all  purpose  flour
  •      1  teaspoon  baking  powder
  •      1  teaspoon  baking  soda

      1.  In  a  large  mixing  bowl,  combine  pumpkin  puree,  sugar,  oil,   eggs,  cinnamon,  nutmeg,  cloves,  allspice  and  salt.  Stir  to   combine.

      2,   In  another  bowl,  mix  flour,  baking  powder  and  baking  soda.

      3,  Add  the  flour  mixture  to  the  first  bowl  and  stir  just  until         incorporated.

  4.  Pour  mixture  into  oiled  pans, and  bake  for  about  45  minutes  or until  a  knife  inserted  into  centre  comes  out  clean.  Bake  at  350   degrees.

     5.  Let  cake  cool.  Then  enjoy!

Thank you to Ms. Sadoff for sharing the recipe with us.

Tuesday 12 November 2019

Snowy Weather

The snowy weather has arrived early this year, but luckily, we like to play in the snow. Please help us keep your child as warm and dry as possible. It would be helpful to have your child wear waterproof mittens. If his/her mittens are not waterproof, please send a second pair of mittens in case the first pair gets wet. It would also be helpful to send extra socks for your child. Please let your child know that he/she has extra mittens and/or socks in his/her backpack.

Please remember to label all removable clothing with your child's name. Young children often don't recognize their clothing.

Lastly, for parents of children who attend 'Fun on the Run' aftercare, it would be helpful if you would put a reusable shopping-type bag in his/her backpack in order to carry their belongings (e.g., jacket, snowpants, etc.) at the end of the day.

Here is a photo showing one of our student's belongings in her bag.

Monday 4 November 2019

SK/Year 2 Student-Led Conferences and JK/Year 1 Observation Visits

As you may already know, progress reports for JK/Year 1 and SK/Year 2 Kindergarten students will be sent home on November 12th.

We will be having student-led conferences for the Senior Kindergarten/Year 2 students on Thursday, Nov. 14th and Friday, Nov.15th.  You can sign up for your preferred timeslot on Edsby. Our schedule on Thursday is from 3:45 to 7:00 pm and on Friday from 9:15 to 11:45 am.

For help signing up for Student-Led Conferences, please visit
(You can also contact us, and we can book a time for your conference.)

A student-led conference information page for parents will be sent home along with your child's report card.  Please look for it.

Parents of Junior Kindergarten/Year 1 students are invited into the classroom for an observation visit between November 18th and December 6th.  An invitation letter was sent home today with your child.  Please check his/her communication bag, and return your response by Friday, November 8th.  We will send you a confirmation note once our schedule has been finalized.

Monday 28 October 2019

Hallowe'en and Fall Dance

Hallowe'en  Costumes
As you may already know from the school's weekly updates, students are allowed to wear their Hallowe'en costumes to school on Thursday, Oct. 31st if they wish.    

If your child would like to wear his/her costume, please have your child wear it over his/her clothes.  We will have the students change out of their costumes before recess Thursday morning.  Please make sure to send a plastic bag for the storage of your child's costume.  

As per Board policy, masks and weapons that are part of costumes are not permitted at school.

Fall Dance 
On October 31st we will be having our Fall School Dance. The Kindergarten classes will be going to the dance from 9:30 to 10:00 a.m.  

We are encouraging each student to bring $2 for the dance to help pay for the DJ and to support Grade 8 fundraising. Those who wish, may wear their Halloween costumes to the dance. 

Snacks will also be on sale at the dance:  $2 for cookies and $2 for ring pops. (Snacks for the Kindergarten students will be delivered to our classrooms at 10:30 a.m.)  All monies raised will go to the Grade 8 fundraising.

Please place any money in a labelled envelope so we know what it is for.  E.g., Billy's money for the dance;  or  Billy's money for buying a treat.  
Please note, we will send home the ring pops for your child to eat at home (they take a while to finish).

Friday 25 October 2019

Happy Diwali

To all of our families who celebrate Diwali, we wish you and your family a very happy Diwali!

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Monday 21 October 2019

X FUSION and School Photos


As you probably read in the weekly school email, our school will be participating in the X FUSION program.  As stated in the flyer:  "(It is) an interactive experience where students learn self-regulation tools and strategies in order to discover the power of their own self-realization!"

Our class will be participating in the X FUSION program on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday morning from 10:00 to 10:25 each day.

You and your family are also invited to come and enjoy the X Fusion experience as well as learn some important self-regulation tools and tactics.  Come and join the fun on Thursday, October 24th at 6:30 pm in the Nellie McClung gym.  Please remember to wear comfortable clothing and running shoes. 

School Photos

We will be having our class and individual photos taken on Friday, November 1st.  Please look for the flyer in your child's communication bag tomorrow.

Tuesday 8 October 2019

Kindergarten Farm Trip

We had a great day at the Forsythe Family Farms today!  

We enjoyed seeing the farm animals in the barn, and we got to feed the goats and sheep.  

Cocoa the cow

The male turkeys were making lots of noise when we were in the barn.

Farmer Sue explained to us how to hold the vegetables to feed the sheep and the goats.

We went to the pumpkin patch, and Farmer Sue explained how pumpkins grow.  Then we each got to pick a pumpkin to take home.

We had fun going through the corn maze.  Sometimes we came to a dead end, but we didn't give up!

The weather was great so we ate our lunches outside on the picnic tables.  After lunch time, we went on a bumpy wagon ride.  We saw signs of fall:  apples, coloured leaves, pumpkins and giant drooping sunflowers.

After the wagon ride, we went in the market.  We saw lots of yummy fruits and vegetables.  There were also many treats like pies, tarts and honey for sale, too.

Before we got on the bus to go back to school, we met a few more farm animals.  Oreo the goat and Precious Pie the pony are buddies, and they like to spend their days together.

It was a great day at the farm.  A big thank you to our parent volunteers who helped us today.  Thank you Ms. D., Ms. H., and Ms. M. for helping us have a wonderful day!

Yom Kippur

To all our families who commemorate Yom Kippur, 
we would like to wish you all an easy fast.

Image result for yom kippur 2019

Monday 7 October 2019

Kindergarten Farm Trip: Tuesday, Oct. 8th

This is just a friendly reminder of our trip to Forsythe Family Farms, tomorrow, on Tuesday, October 8, 2019.  Please remember to have your child dress for the weather tomorrow (e.g., hat, mittens, scarf/neck warmer, raincoat, boots, etc.) since we will be outside for the entire time at the farm. 

We will be eating lunch at the farm. Please pack a litterless lunch with a reusable drink bottle with water for your child.

We will be leaving the school at 9:30 a.m. so please make sure your child has a good breakfast at homeWe will be back at school by 2:30 p.m. Your child will be bringing home a small pumpkin from the farm.  If you are able, please send a plastic bag for carrying the pumpkin.

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Monday 30 September 2019

Orange Shirt Day

ORANGE SHIRT DAY:  October 2, 2019 at Nellie McClung P.S.

The orange shirt day movement started in 2013 to highlight the pain and suffering of thousands of Indigenous children who were sent to residential school throughout the last century. The colour of the shirt is connected to the experience of Phyllis Webstad who was sent to Cariboo Residential School near Williams Lake, BC, in 1973.

Six-years old at the time, Phyllis went to her first day of school wearing a new, bright orange shirt. New clothes were a rare thing for the young girl, who was being raised by her grandmother. However, upon arriving at the school, the nuns stripped her of the shirt, forcing her to wear the school’s institutional uniform.

Ms. Webstad has felt the impact of that event long after it occurred, “That feeling of worthlessness and insignificance, ingrained in me from my first day at the mission, affected the way I lived my life for many years. Even now, when I know nothing could be further than the truth, I still sometimes feel that I don’t matter.”

The orange shirt has since gone on to become a symbol of a national movement that recognizes the suffering of Indigenous children at residential schools across the country and to show a renewed commitment to ensure that every child matters.

Recognize the resiliency and bravery of Residential School Survivors by wearing something orange (e.g., shirt, ribbon or anything orange) on October 2nd!

Note:  Orange Shirt Day is officially September 30, 2019, but we will be honouring it on October 2, 2019 to avoid overlap with significant faith days.

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Sunday 29 September 2019

Rosh Hashanah Greetings

To all our families who celebrate Rosh Hashanah, we send you wishes for a good new year!

Image result for what greeting for rosh hashanah

(Just a friendly reminder:  if your child will be away for the holiday, please remember to report the absence to the school  through Edsby or by phoning the school at 905-303-8113.  Thank you.)

Terry Fox Walk

On Thursday, Sept. 26th, the Kindergarten classes of Nellie McClung P.S. participated in the Terry Fox Walk/Run by walking around the school three times as they chanted, "Who are we walking for?  Terry Fox!" and "Who's our hero?  Terry Fox!" 

As a school, we raised $1408.00 (as of Sept. 29th).  Thank you to everyone who was able to make a donation to the Terry Fox Foundation on behalf of our school.

Tuesday 24 September 2019

Terry Fox Walk at Nellie McClung Public School

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On Thursday, Sept. 26th, our school will be holding our annual Terry Fox Walk.  Our Kindergarten class will join in by walking around the school field a few times.  You may even hear us chanting while we walk:  "Who are we walking for?  Terry Fox!"

If you have not already done so, please consider making a donation on-line at the following link:

You may also send cash donations to school in your child's communication bag.  A loonie or twoonie would be wonderful.  We will forward all donations.

Together we can reach our school goal of raising $2500.

Thank you!

Tuesday 17 September 2019

Kindergarten Trip to Forsythe Family Farms

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On Tuesday, October 8th, the Kindergarten classes of Nellie McClung Public School will be visiting the Forsythe Family Farm.  Please go to School Cash Online in order to give consent for your child to go on the trip and to pay for the trip. Here is the link:  School Cash Online

We will be leaving the school around 9:30 am on trip day so please make sure your child eats a good breakfast at home.  We will eat our lunches at the farm.  Please send a litterless lunch and a reusable water bottle with your child on trip day. We should be returning to the school by 2:30 pm.

We will be outside for most of the day while on the farm trip.  Please make sure your child is dressed for the weather that day.  This is a 'rain or shine' trip so we will be going regardless of the weather.

We are able to take a few parent volunteers with us.  You can indicate your interest in volunteering when you go to School Cash Online.  Please note that all school volunteers must have a 'police check', i.e., a Vulnerable Sector Screen Test on file at school in order to join us on the trip.  (If we get more than 3 offers of parent volunteers, we will randomly pick names.)

If you have any questions/concerns, please let us know, and we will do our best to address them.

Thursday 12 September 2019

Lost and Found Items

We have found 2 items in our classroom and none of the children recognize them.  Here are pictures of the thermos lid and a hoodie sweater (size 4):

If either one or both of these items belong to your family, please let us know, and we will send them home.

Tuesday 10 September 2019

Welcome Back & Welcome to Room 110

Hello and welcome to our classroom blog!  We are Lina Guerriero (aka Ms. G.) and Jesica Mateo.  We are the teaching team for Room 110 at Nellie McClung P.S.  We have a combined Senior Kindergarten/Year 2 and Junior Kindergarten/Year 1 class, and we currently have 28 students in our class.

We have had a good start to the year, and most children are settling in well.  A big thank you to the returning Kindergarten students who are doing a great job of helping the new students in our room.

Some start up information:
Extra clothes ... thank you to the families who have already sent in extra clothing for their children.  If you have not done so yet, please plan on sending extra clothes with your child as soon as possible.  Please make sure to label the clothing bag with your child's name.

Parent Contact Pages & Office Forms... thank you for returning the various forms for your child.  If there are any outstanding forms that need to be submitted, we will let you know this coming week.

Library time ... our class will be visiting the library this week for the first time.  They will start borrowing books next week.  We will send home a letter with the children's first library book.  Please look for the letter and keep it as a reference for the dates of our class library visits for the year.  We will be visiting the library on Day 5s of our school schedule.

Gym time ... our class has use of the gym on Day 4s of our school schedule.  Please make sure your child has a pair of running shoes for gym days.  Your child may keep an extra pair of running shoes at school to be used as 'indoor shoes'.  Please do not sent shoes with laces unless your child is able to tie up his/her own shoes.

Communication Bags ... thank you for sending the plastic communication bag each day with your child.  If you have any questions/concerns, one of the best ways to reach us is with a note in the communication bag.

We're looking forward to meeting you in person soon at our school Curriculum Night on Thursday, September 26th!

Wednesday 26 June 2019

Virtual Portfolios & Last Day of School

Virtual Portfolios

For the past school year, we collected some of our class observations using 'Google Slides' to create a virtual portfolio for each student.  

We have recently sent each family an email that contains a link to your child's slides so you can view your child's virtual  portfolio.

We hope you enjoy it.  As always, if you have any questions/concerns, please contact us.

If you did not receive an email from us, please let us know.  We may not have your correct email address.

Last Day of School

It's hard for us to believe, but the school year is almost over!  Tomorrow is our last day, and the day will end at 12:10 pm for the children.  We will be at the school all day Thursday and Friday if you need to reach us for anything.  

In case we don't see you tomorrow, we would like to wish you all a happy summer!  We hope it is a safe and healthy summer for everyone.  To our Kindergarten friends who are changing schools, we wish you all the best!  To our Kindergarten friends who are staying at Nellie McClung P.S., we look forward to seeing you again in September!

Friday 21 June 2019

Kindergarten Picnic and Last Week of School

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It was great to see so many families today at our annual 
end of year Kindergarten celebration!  All the Kindergarten classes practised for many weeks and today's concert was the culmination of all our efforts.  Well done, everyone!  
Lucky for us all, the weather cooperated today, and we had a great morning for a picnic.  
We hope you enjoyed yourselves.

Image result for plastic bag clipartAs the end of school approaches next week, we'll be sending home various items with the children.  Would you please help us out by sending a bag or two to help us with the packing up of belongings?  

Lastly, just a reminder re. lunches next week:
There are no pizza or sub lunches next week.  

We hope you have a great first weekend of summer!